Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Low Budget Baby Shower/New Mom Gift Idea

Homemade Cocoa Butter All-over Body Scrub

You will need:
1 jar/container and embellishments
Body Wash Scent/brand of your choice
Granulated Sugar
Baby Oil

I used this recipe that I found on Pinterest, but I used adult cocoa butter body wash (it was cheaper) and regular baby oil with vitamin E that I already had at home. I used pure cane sugar I already had at home. I also upped the amounts to 1/3 cup for the oil and wash so that I would have some left over for myself. It smelled great and I love it! It's a little runny, but that could easily be remedied with a bit more sugar. It filled an entire jar and then some, making it perfect :)

Really the scent options are whatever you like, or think they will like. Cucumber Melon, Cocoa Butter, Cherry Blossom, Lavender, etc. If you did an essential oil scent you could even add real oils to it and that would be a cool touch.

I tied the essential oil right onto the jar for a little added flare and included it's uses and the best places to apply it on the tag. In my opinion this should always be done for those who are unfamiliar with the oils :)

 As you can see pictured above I used a simple piece of pink material (my friend was having a girl) and a plain white ribbon as my embellishments. For your jar/container the options are really limitless. You can go simple like I did, you could bedazzle it, or anything in between. (If you decide to go my route I suggest using a little clear tape or hot glue to hold the ribbon in place so when they take it out of the bag it doesn't slip off.)

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